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Handovers made easy - with our AI assistant

Do you have to hand over a project, train new colleagues or change your role in the company? Then you know the challenge of quickly documenting your current knowledge and preparing it for your successor.

You tell us what you know and we turn it into a video

We help you to make the handover quick and easy. Our AI assistant will go through all the important questions with you so that no knowledge is lost.

You simply record your knowledge and we create a professional handover video, including spoken text with a voice of your choice and an attractive visual presentation of the most important key messages.

This is how it works: Three steps to the handover

Soon the time will come

You will find out first!

Sharing knowledge has never been so easy! Join our waiting list now and get the opportunity to test the AI assistant with us in advance.

The AI assistant is always helpful when you want to transfer knowledge in a structured way, for example for 

  • Handovers during onboarding and offboarding
  • Project handovers to employees

You can currently put your name on the waiting list for a trial version and we will contact you as soon as the trial version is available. Registration is not binding, but access to the trial version may be limited, so it pays to be quick.

We want to create the greatest added value for our users and constantly simplify working with SlidePresenter. We are therefore always happy to talk to you and hear your ideas and wishes. Just send us a short message to or simply make an appointment for a brief exchange with us:
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