Software Made in Germany

650+ satisfied customers

Your Safety is our Priority

Date Security "Made in Germany"

Do you want to digitize knowledge transfer in your company, but have concerns about protecting your sensitive business data? 

As a German company, we guarantee that your data is processed exclusively in ISO-certified high-security data centers in Germany and in accordance with the guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

Data Security at SlidePresenter

650+ companies already secure their knowledge with SlidePresenter

Data storage and processing

Your company data is safe

German company

As a German company, all our data is processed in German data centers. There is no data transfer outside the German economic area. Thus, we meet all requirements of the DSGVO and the Federal Data Protection Act.

Modern security architecture

Our solution is based on the principle of data economy. This means that as little data as possible is stored in our system. We only store the content created and the access data of the users.

Data separation and role assignment

Individual person accounts are separated from each other within the app via a separate owner key. This prevents other accounts from accessing your data. Different user roles also allow you to have customized access controls.

ISO-certified high-security data centers

Our application is operated in ISO-certified high-security data centers in Germany. This ensures the physical and technical security of your data as well as a redundant server structure for highest uptime.

Data transmission to LMS/LXP

Data relating to the individual learning success of users is transferred to other learning platforms in anonymized form only. The individual data can then be assigned in the customer systems.

No vendor lock-in

Your data belongs to you. In the event that one day you no longer wish to work with us, there are various ways in which we can make your data available to you. This way, you can be sure that you will always have access to your learning content.

Highest protection through standards

Information security audited by TISAX

TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) certification confirms: SlidePresenter meets all information security requirements of companies with high protection needs.

Our customers therefore include major companies from the automotive sector as well as numerous other industries with the highest IT security requirements. The TISAX certification is comparable to the international standard ISO 27001.

Absolute legal certainty for companies

Protection and processing of sensitive user data

Compliance with all data protection regulations

Our established technical and organizational security measures in the processing of user data not only comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG), but extend far beyond them.

Protection of the personal rights of employees

The decentralized structure of user accounts reliably protects your employees' personal data. Even administrators only have access to anonymized and generalized information on software usage. A performance or behavioral control of the employees is therefore excluded and SlidePresenter complies with all works council requirements.

On the test bench for you

Permanent pentests confirm maximum safety

Protecting your data is a top priority for us. That's why we have our IT security regularly checked by an independent, external service provider.

The result of the current pentest confirms: SlidePresenter meets the highest security standards. Neither threats to sensitive data of our customers nor system vulnerabilities could be identified. Furthermore, the software offers no other attack surfaces for hackers. Your data is thus reliably protected at all times.

Our promise

We make you successful

With more than ten years of experience, we are the experts for the introduction of user-generated content in corporate learning. Our goal is long-term partnerships. That's why our consultants accompany you throughout the entire implementation process - and beyond.

We show you how easy it is

Arrange short demo

Do you have questions or would you like to experience for yourself how quick and easy it is to create and share learning videos? Then make a quick appointment with us.

Data security "Made in germany

Your questions - our answers

The storage and processing of your data is subject to the highest security requirements. SlidePresenter relies exclusively on ISO-certified high-security data centers in Germany, a redundant security architecture, and regular independent audits. This allows us not only to ensure the protection of sensitive company and employee data, but also to guarantee maximum uptime of our solution. SlidePresenter also holds numerous ISO certifications as well as a TISAX certification, which confirm our compliance with all data protection regulations and security requirements. 

The security of your data is our top priority, which is why all our customers benefit from it equally. We have already conducted numerous IT security audits with our customers and passed them all. We would be happy to sit down with your IT department and discuss your individual requirements.

SlidePresenter's security architecture is designed to have as little customer data as possible in the system. Neither learning success data nor personal data of viewers or consumers of the trainings are stored. Only the created learning content and the access data for user accounts are stored in the solution.

No. As a German company, SlidePresenter has no branches in other European countries or outside Europe. All servers are located in Germany. The application is fully subject to the DSGVO and the Federal Data Protection Act. Therefore, there is no data transfer to systems outside the German economic area. Our customers therefore include many German and European companies from highly regulated industries. In contrast to providers with US headquarters, with SlidePresenter you can be sure that your business data will not end up in other countries, be processed there or have to be disclosed by international authorities through requests for information.

If you want to transfer the individual learning success or learning status to your existing LMS or LXP, then this is possible in principle. However, SlidePresenter only transfers anonymized data to your learning platforms. Thanks to our innovative player technology, your LMS / LXP can assign the data after the transfer. In this way, we prevent individual data from being intercepted or otherwise compromised during transmission. 

The protection of the personal rights of the employees has top priority for SlidePresenter. Personal data is neither collected nor stored in any form. Information about the software usage of the users is only available in an anonymized and generalized form. An identification of the recipients of the trainings is not possible via the SlidePresenter software. Therefore, there is no form of performance or behavioral control of the employees.

Domain restriction protects you from having your knowledge content unintentionally appear on websites that you have not approved. For this purpose, when a video is called up, it is checked whether the website on which the video is embedded is authorized to do so. If this is not the case, the video is not displayed.

Streaming via https:// (SSL encryption) is possible for all video content. Please note that using this option requires that your videos are also embedded on a website equipped with SSL encryption, otherwise the security certificate would refuse to transmit the data.

Yes. After a cancellation, we discuss together in which form you would like to transfer your content. There are various options here, depending on your technical requirements.