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SlidePresenter eLearning Journal Test Winner

test report

The eLearning Journal has recognized SlidePresenter as an excellent video platform

80 percent of corporate knowledge transfer takes place informally - i.e., outside formal training and education offerings. However, it is sometimes a major challenge for many companies to make the individual experiences of their employees visible - and, above all, usable.

Over 650 companies and organizations are already mastering this challenge with the help of SlidePresenter. In an independent product test, eLearning Journal took a closer look at how exactly this works and what sets our solution apart from others.

Get the complete test report including the result as a free download now and find out whether SlidePresenter also offers the right features for your company.

Download the test report now! Only available in german.

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Impart knowledge effectively

Videos in corporate learning

Video-based e-learning has numerous advantages over "classic" training methods. Since they are available "on-demand", your employees can access them when they have time or need the knowledge content for their work. The content can also be viewed and repeated several times, so the learning effect increases many times over.

Find out what other advantages learning videos offer in your corporate learning here in our articles.