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How KfW actively involves 7,000 employees in its knowledge transfer!

The demand for knowledge content in companies is growing exponentially. L&D and HR departments, as traditional creators of learning content, are reaching their limits. This is because there is often a lack of resources to meet the increasing demand for knowledge content in the traditional way.

How can this challenge be overcome? The solution: user-generated content.

Find out how KfW, one of the world's leading development banks, went about involving its employees in knowledge transfer and what key lessons it learned from the implementation in our webinar with eLearning Journal.

There, Stephan Heyne, Head of Talent and Competence Management at KfW, and Alexander Haller, Team Lead Sales at SlidePresenter, will report on the strategic success factors for the practical use of user-generated content.

Watch the free recording now and learn how your company can also benefit from knowledge transfer from employees for employees!

Watch the KfW Video Portal webinar now! Only available in german.

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Knowledge transfer from employees for employees

Employee-generated content

Employee-generated content or employee-driven learning is when companies enable their experts to capture and share their knowledge. The advantages of this digital knowledge transfer from employees for employees are so great that companies cannot ignore this topic. You can find out how to successfully use employee-generated content in your corporate learning, as well as numerous best practices from our customers, here.